
Wednesday 18 November 2015

Steve Cook can help back four settle

I was pleased to see that Steve Cook was back warming up with the other players last Saturday week as he recovered from his injury problems and had ended a busy week for his family that saw the birth of his first child. Now he'll be concentrating on fighting his way back into the starting line up and it is something that I really hope we see at Swansea.

Steve Cook will be back soon and perhaps he can
even have a go at getting on the score sheet. AFCB are
still waiting for a defender to get a goal this season.
The first aim at Swansea will be the need to keep a clean sheet and it is something that the Cherries have been poor at in recent games. Whenever the ball comes into the box there seems to be a bit more panic than clear thinking and the mistakes have just kept coming. Without a firm platform at the back it is far harder to win games and if the Cherries really are going back to basics then they need Steve Cook back in the side and working hard to keep the opposition out.

The Cherries have looked stretched at the back even though Sylvain Distin has been giving his all to try and stop the attacks. The loss of Tommy Elphick is almost as huge as the absence of Wilson, as Cook and Elphick have a great understanding that has built up over several seasons. Even Distin and Cook will better equipped to deal with threats than seeing Simon Francis filling in at centre back.

It has been Howe's decision that Baily Cargill is not yet ready to be thrown into this Premier League fight though and I hope that does not deter Cargill from giving his all in training as he can't be that far off being given an opportunity. Cargill is the future, but Steve Cook is needed right now.

Finally, I was a bit anxious to hear Jeff Mostyn being quoted as saying that there would be "no spending spree for the Cherries in January". I'm just hoping that it is the club trying to ensure clubs don't think we are going to pay over the odds for players. UTCIAD!


  1. Are you having a laugh?? Cook is the biggest culprit when it comes to being "unsettled". Don't you remember against spurs where he basically just stood still with the ball at his feet on the penalty spot, facing our goal and froze. He is a liability. You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

    1. Ha, thanks for your opinion. Let's see who starts of Saturday shall we? By the way Spurs didn't score from that incident. Other players have made mistakes and we have seen goals result from them.

