
Tuesday 3 November 2015

The Cherries' shots on target must be higher

A rearguard comeback against Southampton did not materialise in the way that would have been a been a really big lift for the team on Sunday, as they could not get enough shots on target. All match there were just two shots from both teams that hit the sweet spot, but the Saint's scored twice from theirs. If AFCB need more chances, then they have to create more to be able to score.
More strikes on target will be necessary to beat Newcastle.
Sadly some of the shooting from Bournemouth was fairly wayward in the derby. AFCB actually had 16 shots compared to the Saints' 11. So at least we know that the Cherries are having shots, but not necessarily at the right time and perhaps the decision making around the box needs to be better to get a player in cleanly. It is minimal things that stop teams getting that all important breakthrough. Even when AFCB won their first corner and tried the step over for Francis to shoot, Arter's dummy over the ball just caught a heel and Francis could not get a clean strike in.

John Williams said that set-pieces were probably the Cherries' best chance to score but none of them were really well executed and it is something that the best teams do really well. How often do we feel that AFCB will score form a corner? It is rare and may be these kind of things are going to be really important when it comes down to who stays up. A few more free kicks and corners that work could certainly help, but that does not mean I expect Matt Ritchie to score one like he did against Sunderland every week. Work the keeper though is what I hope Eddie is saying to his players this week.

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