
Saturday 6 February 2016

Arsenal should be worried – Benik Afobe is loving his new club

Arsenal have been accused like many top clubs of not bringing through enough first team players to the first squad and Benik Afobe is another one that fits into that bracket. AFCB, like Wolves though, will benefit from what lessons a young Benik did take in at Arsenal and now it is somewhat ironic that he is poised to be the biggest weapon in trying to take down the Londoners.

It is hard to back against Benik at the moment. Three goals in his last three games, the only thing I'm wondering is when is he going to net more than once in a game? In the match against Crystal Palace, Benik showed that he has predator qualities in the way he saw the chance to score when Matt Ritchie's shot was only blocked by Hennessey and rebounded out and Benik was ready to inflict another defeat on Crystal Palace. The goal itself was clever as Hennessey was recovering from his first save, but Benik really strained to get as much power on the header as he could to ensure the flight of the ball moved away from the keeper and towards the left corner of the goal. 
Junior Stanislas and Benik Afobe.
As a graduate of the Arsenal school of football, Benik will have been most excited about this Sunday game as soon as he saw it on the fixture list. I can only imagine what it would mean to him to score in this game and any striker would be delighted to have on record that they have beaten Petr Cech on their card. No doubt, Charlie Daniels is still the name on the penalty takers board, but he might have to sprint up from left back pretty quickly from stopping Benik racing for the ball in this game. As the new boy though, I'd expect Benik to be well behaved unless he was on a hat-trick in which case a discussion might take place - what a lovely situation that would be!

What is pleasing is that Benik is only going to get better in playing games with AFCB. He has not really had time to know everyone's strengths yet, but he will add that as he goes along and start to make the runs that his colleagues know he is likely to make. That £10m does not seem quite such a gamble anymore, does it?

Score Prediction
Send in your predicted score for #AFCB v #Arsenal to @peterbell19 on Twitter. Please make your score clear to understand.

If you have a correct score prediction you are in with a chance of winning the Cherry Chimes prize which is a pair of AFCB non-tangle earphones this week. If two or more people have the correct score the winner will be picked out of the hat. Good luck!

Thanks again to Cherry Chimes Sponsors for this season Broomhill Garden BuildingsNatterjacks Vets and AltamiraDeco.

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