
Friday 5 February 2016

Just how has Artur Boruc recovered his form?

The form of Artur Boruc has been very strong since his return to the side in early December against Chelsea. He was thought to have needed an operation on an injury that was giving him a lot of problems at the game against Spurs, but he has managed to get over the  at least until the summer when he is said to be likely to need more treatment.

It might have been unsettling for Artur to be carrying an injury that effected his mobility but perhaps he has been getting some injections and treatment to get him through games, but whatever he is doing it is working on the pitch now. Some of the saves he made against Crystal Palace were superb, especially the one against Maroane Chamakh, and his concentration levels seem extremely high during games, which is giving the back four a lot of confidence as he is coming for crosses again and getting them.
Artur Boruc at Selhurst Park.
I noted that while Ryan Allsop has gone out on loan he has been named in the 25-man Premier League squad, so could be recalled if Artur had a reoccurrence of his injury. Adam Federici though will be the main back up keeper and I am surprised how vitally important it has been to have such strong competition for the number one jersey. Adam has also been showing good form in the cup, and it no doubt helps to see your team-mate playing well in goal and raises your own performance in trying to reach the same level.

The big question for Artur and the club will come in the summer or if not before when AFCB will be trying to work out who should keep goal in 2016-17? I'm not certain if Artur only wanted a one-year deal or if the club just wanted to give him a year before deciding if they wanted to offer him a longer contract. Now any potential offer may depend on how Artur feels in regard to needing an operation or not in the summer. If they stay up, AFCB will have more money to splash out of course from May and the goalkeeping position may be one area where they want to add more quality in any case. 

While ex-Southampton players have not always been best liked at Dean Court I don't think I am alone in making a big exception to Artur Boruc who has been terrific for the team since September 2014 when he originally joined the Cherries on loan. 

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