
Thursday 17 March 2016

We don't stop just because people say AFCB are safe

The Cherries might feel like they can almost down tools but it is simply not in the nature of their manger nor any of the players. The side is driven to just getting better and it is a feature of the Cherries that has helped them climb the leagues. This season is a bit different in that they can't go for promotion anymore, but they can certainly look to achieve the best placed finish they can. That is not only for their own personal satisfaction but because there is more prize money available the higher they can finish, and this season the money will be big.
AFCB are not going to stop working towards a top half finish.
With a healthier bank balance it will enable Eddie Howe to bring in the best players he can and while thoughts might want to drift to next season, there is plenty of football to play and the start of next season really starts now. There are improvements to make, but that is only healthy for the team and the club as it sets them new targets.
The form guide for AFCB is only just behind Spurs since 1 December. Sky Spots picture.
The hunger for many teams perhaps does tail off now once they know they are safe. It would be only natural, but getting beaten is not a scenario that any team likes to have week in and week out and the Cherries can try and see if they can close the gap on the big teams who they will now be playing in the remaining eight games. Eddie Howe will want his players to keep the momentum going as if there is a dip it can carry on to next season and no one wants that.

With international call ups and the desire for players coming back to get a few games there should be enough enthusiasm for the players to keep switched on. While many fans may have already picked out their player of the season there could well be some fabulous performances still to come. Furthermore, the club has worked extremely hard to get to the Premier League and every remaining game should be value very highly by fans and players alike. 

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