
Monday 2 May 2016

AFCB really should have taken something from Goodison

While I concede that Everton played well enough to tip the balance at Goodison and take all three points, as an AFCB fan I came away thinking that was a winnable game for either side as it was open and just needed someone to get hold of the game for their team to win. 

It was at the back where I actually believe Everton won the game as the young Matthew Pennington and steadfast Gibson in midfield were excellent in stopping AFCB's attackers, while Hibbert also had a strong game when he came on and Leighton Baines struck a well hit winner.
Benik amost grabbed a late equaliser for the Cherries at Goodison.
Having said that it was a very close match. The Cherries had more attempts than Everton during the game but they were not as accurate in their shooting. It has been a bot of a feature of late. The Cherries just aren't finding the back of the net and that is very disappointing when the side is just about as strong as it has been all season.

Benik Afobe will be kicking himself that he did not add to his goal count as Wilson had made a great run down the right in the second half and pulled back a great cross for him that Benik could no quite get over the top of. But he was only six yards out and really it was a moment when he had to hit the target. A draw would not have looked out of place on the day, but it is the narrow wins that mark out the sides that know how to get the job done under pressure and AFCB are still learning against these teams.

It was still a good game to watch and while the goal action was not that high I was just pleased to see Harry Arter and Callum Wilson starting a game.

The All Departments podcast reviews the game in full so you can listen to my views on the game on there where I am a guest of Michael Dunne. Visit the All Departments website to listen in or scroll down the panel on Cherry Chimes to the All Departments' sound bar..

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