
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Harry Arter can't allow Pulis to get to him

We know that Harry Arter has a hot streak. He does his best to contain it and channel his enthusiasm and commitment the right way but sometimes it boils over. I don't blame him for that. Professionals put their careers on the line every week when they put on a shirt to entertain us, but he knows he has to consider that players on the other team are in exactly the same position. No body goes out there with the intent to hurt people and Tony Pulis knows that the game is faster than ever these days and what is a red card in his book might not be the same in the ref's mind.
Harry Arter, so often in the wars.
I can't say that Harry's tackle on Darren Fletcher in the second half against WBA on Saturday was a good challenge and I'll not say it didn't warrant I higher punishment than a yellow, but it is what was handed out. Sometimes there is needle in a match and I think at times on Saturday the game could have become more of a grudge match had Mark Clattenburg not kept it in control. Arter had also reacted poorly earlier when Gareth McAuley had left stud marks on his thigh and Tony Pulis was incensed at this, too.

Harry mustn't let things get to him though. I want him to play with the freedom to go into challenges wanting to win the ball and to do his best for the team. His passion is something that AFCB fans admire about him and if he loses that we lose more than 10-15 per cent of what Harry Arter is. The side does not have enough ball winners in my mind so it is essential that Harry keeps playing that role well if the team is to get as many turnovers as it does during matches.

James McClean was similarly lambasted after his challenge on Adam Smith up at the Hawthorns earlier in the season and perhaps WBA hoped that things would even themselves up if Harry Arter had been dismissed in this return match. Harry can be content that Clattenburg saw it from his side and that should be enough for him. Harry can move on - let Tony Pulis worry about why a red card wasn't shown.

The Back of the Net podcast is out today - Episode 11 Supa, Spua Fletch
In transfer news Aberdeen are also set to join Exeter City in a race to sign Jayden Stockley.

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