
Wednesday 11 May 2016

Simon Francis has been well decorated

Not many of the players had to come over to the Main stand to collect an award before the WBA match. Simon Francis rather dominated proceedings after another excellent season from the defender and step in captain when Tommy Elphick was out for part of the season.
AFCB's player of the season.
The Micky Cave award.
He bagged the Exile's trophy as well.
I was wondering what has made Simon Francis stand out for so many fans this season and I guess it is the fact that he managed to change position from right back to centre back without much difficulty and was even getting calls for England consideration, not that he ever expected it to happen. Next season it is quite likely that we see Simon Francis as more of a central defender which may mean that Eddie does not look to buy in any other central defenders. Baily Cargill may take the place of Sylvain Distin in the squad and it may be the right back position where some extra cover is then needed for Adam Smith.

Whatever the squad going forward though, Simon Francis is going to be a key member of the side and if he retains his starting place there may be some others who feel their place is now under more pressure in 2016-17. I think it is the consistency in Francis' performances that also mark him out as a player that the fans admire. He is basically Mr Reliable in that you know he will put in some great tackles and will also make positive passes during a game. 

The challenge for Francis now will be whether he can forge a solid centre-back partnership with Steve Cook or Tommy Elphick or perhaps even both of them during next season. The goal count against the side is where the Cherries have to make the most improvement in their second season in the Premier League and Simon Francis will be a major factor in that equation.
Just in case you though I'd missed one. The vice president's award.
Josh King picked up the Junior Cherries player of the season
and Charlie Daniels won the players' award.  

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