
Monday 18 July 2016

Captain Francis can lead AFCB to more greatness

It was finally announced on the American tour that Simon Francis would indeed be the Cherries new captain and it should be a good choice considering how at ease Simon is with the other players and the media and his record as a string player that never wants to miss a game. Francis was a great deputy on many times last season and along with Cook and Elphick he found out that it was not often that wins were put together in a run. How he keeps the lads being positive and believing in themselves is now critical in maintaining high moral in the side.

Although the captain's role is not as important a position as it is in some other sports, Simon can now add a bit more authority to his game. I hope he is a good listener as well as it is very much part of being a good leader as you have to try and understand where problems are if you want to try and help solve them. Francis does lead by example in the way he puts in tackles and sets up play going forward. Now though we won't see those long runs up field nearly as often with him sitting in as centre-back. Whether he can show the speed to match the fastest strikers in the Premier League is going to dictate a lot of how successful he is along with winning headers and getting his positional play right, especially if the other in defence are following his placement of where the offside line has to be held.
Simon Francis will captain the side in 2016/17.
The partnership between Steve Cook and Simon Francis is going to be key but Francis and Cook was only involved in six clean and seven sheets, respectively last season. As a partnership they have to try and encourage each other to do better in each game, but I'd expect another central defender to come in before the start of next season. Baily Cargill deserves his chance but it is asking a lot for him to keep either Cook or Francis out of the side.

AFCB will miss his crossing abilities, but they gain pace at the back. Where Francis may want to improve is the number of blocks (three last season) he makes during games and let's hope is better at not conceding as many penalties in 2016/17.  Individual mistakes will happen though and it will be how AFCB recover from those moments and whether they can look to Francis and other big figures in the side to keep the team playing positively. If AFCB get off to a good start and start to find winning a habit though it could be a very good time for Francis to become the club captain.

Transfer Watch
The Bournemouth Echo is linking Brighton's Lewis Dunk with AFCB.

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