
Tuesday 12 July 2016

Is Benik Afobe the new Murray?

Although Benik Afobe well may find himself the favourite for the first sub next season he can't think like that. Benik may offer a slightly different game to Callum Wilson and Josh King and he might need to adapt more to the style of AFCB, but I don't see him as another Glenn Murray.

Benik got off to a wonderful start to his AFCB career and he needs to attack this new season in that way. He can prove he has what is required by hitting the back of the net consistently - it's the best chance he has of being on the team sheet. It is all about confidence for Benik and if he can get a good start he may find that he can displace any of the other strikers.
Can Benik reassert his position in the starting line up from the start of next season?
We have already seen that he can play a number 10 role as well as the main striker and here will be times when he is used both roles. How often is the question that Benik has some control over, even if he may expect to have to wait his turn. He may well be spoilt for striking partners as well. AFCB may have dispensed with Glenn Murray and Lee Tomlin, but Lewis Grabban, Junior Stanislas and Lys Mousset will provide exceptional competition on top of Wilson and King. 

Keeping all these strikers happy will be difficult but I do see King, Stanislas, Grabban and Mousset likely to find themselves on the wings at times. Afobe is best through the middle and there is no getting away from that. Whether he likes the role of super sub or not, he may have to start there and see if he can become to important to keep out. Murray didn't manage that and it is no surprise that he drifted out of the squad.  

Game today The U21s will play Hamworthy Recreation today at Hamworthy - and could of course feature for some new AFCB signings, eg Mark Travers and hot shot Mikael Ndjoli. 


  1. Remember to add Fraser into the wide man mix

  2. I think afObe was a short term fix until Wilson was fit..and he will soon be disillusioned a Nd want to move on....Wilson will start as number one choice but remember he did not score upon his return from injury....I do not see where Ibe will fit in...we must have enough forwards. .and it seems bournemouth is a last resort...he appears to want to go to Newcastle. ..we must get over this syndrome of not being a big club...both elphick and ritchie have said they have joined big clubs..meaning they are bigger than bournemouth. ...well not in turnover terms next season...

    What seems incredibly quiet is what is happening to the stadium to increase capacity and what is being done to upgrade academy status...these are so important issues

  3. You are right to mention Ryan Fraser, but I feel he is unlikely to get a look in. It is interesting that Mick McCarthy says he could play for any Premier League team. I expect some offers might come in for Fraser and if not a loan move looks on the cards again if Eddie does not pick him.

  4. Remember to add Fraser into the wide man mix

  5. Adobe or Grabban will find they don't play much in my opinion think we will have one up top two pushed on wide with Ake sitting at Base of midfield. Afobe touch is atrocious not upto prem as a starter and grabbs needed a goal so badly for his confidence but just couldn't do it!!

