
Thursday 11 August 2016

BBC Radio Solent Forum opens up Dean Court rent debate

On Wednesday there was the annual BBC Radio Solent Forum from Dean Court raised the question of why AFCB had not gone ahead with its expansion plans on the south stand. It was a question that Jeff Mostyn could not duck and he firmly put the reason for the delay being a matter of the rent for Dean Court being unrealistic if the expansion went ahead. The question is how long would AFCB be prepared to wait for talks to progress? I fear that the line in the sand has been drawn and it won't now be long before AFCB are looking in earnest for a new home.

That does not mean that it would be an easy decision but the pressure of needing to offer a ground that is worthy of the Premier League status of the club, it must be in the owner and chief executives' head that the situation needs to be resolved in the next 12 months. Jeff used some very strong words on the Forum about not wanting to have "a gun pointed at their head because they are a Premier League club" and the message to Structadene did not sound like the amicable relationship was likely to be easily mended after what had gone on over the last few months.
Can we squeeze anymore in?
"The ambition of the football club is to provide first class facilities to Eddie and the team and all of our supporters," said Jeff. "That's what we are here for. At the end of the day, your coming here to see a team hopefully winning and continuing to make progress and I have every confidence that this will continue to happen. It is a frustration for everyone associated with this football club that only 11,300 people in round figures can came and watch our games at home."

That's the bottom line. The club has out grown Dean Court and the economics and finances will decide the destination of where the club plays its games in the future. Just a simple look at the other stadiums in the Premier League or even the Championship points to the fact that Dean Court is not large enough to support the club in the long term at this level and the quicker the capacity can be increased or a new venue found the better for the club and the fans who are unable to see the games. While it would take a couple of years or more to build a new stadium and would cost a substantial outlay from the the Premier League coffers the club has received - maybe £100m, it is time to think of the long term and I get the sense that while one more approach might be made to the landlord the vision of a new purpose-built stadium is starting to loom large on the desks of AFCB board members.

It has taken a long time for the club to come clean on this matter, but I suspect that the club still wants to leave the possibility of negotiations open.

Other good news to get off the club's chest was the Angers SCO last minute fixture notification, which was stated to be down to agreeing a suitable venue - it seems choosing where AFCB play is a very hard problem these days!

Transfer News
Josh King has renewed his contract with a new four-year deal.

1 comment:

  1. I'm of the opinion its too little too late again!! Surely this should have been done, 2nd year in the championship. If Denim had aspirations to go up someone had to realise the only way to improve is to expand or re build, and it doesn't take a genius to know a property developer is going to look at the TV money the Premier League gets and rub their hands with glee knowing they could fleece the club! Where else in Bournemouth do you build? The town and surrounding area is pretty over populated, has poor transport links and is dictated by People who all have their own agenda and want nothing to do with the heritage or history of the Cherries as it may interfere with their quaint little lives!!!!

