
Saturday 27 August 2016

How long will Howe leave it before making changes?

The opening two defeats of the season have seen AFCB leave the pitch with back to back defeats and now they travel to Palace knowing they really have to get something to get themselves off the bottom of the table. The mood in the camp is not down though and there were improvements against West ham so is Eddie Howe going to be reluctant to make changes this early?

While injury has meant that we have seen Ryan Fraser a bit earlier than many would have expected on the left wing, the improving form of Max Gradel as demonstrated in midweek could see him back in the side. Whether Max can carry on his goalscoring is anyone's guess but Eddie is likely to take any inspiration he can find at the moment so Gradel is a starter for me. At the back it is more difficult to make a decision. Marc Wilson had a great midweek game along with Nathan Aké and yet it is probably asking too much to see both of them even on the bench. Marc Wilson needs a bit more time I would think before his fitness is at the right level. Aké is another question. I'd like to see him play but not in midfield or centre-back but at left-back where I see Charlie Daniels as struggling. However, I expect Eddie to be loyal and stick with Charlie for this game although both he and captain Simon Francis need to step up.
Will Eddie make changes in the back four?
While the goals have not been flowing, I don't believe it will be long before King and Callum Wilson start to hit the back of the net. They have looked more a partnership and while it would be tempting to let Benik Afobe play against palace where he did so well last season, it may be after 60 minutes when we see the Cherries number nine striker.

Harry Arter is likely to keep his place, but Lewis Cook is playing again so I'd expect Eddie to want to get Lewis into the action when he can.

The lads need some good fortune today. Let's give them that extra 10 per cent to get them their first Premier League points of 2016/17 UTCIAD!


  1. Regretfully I believe an unchanged team from last week and another hard luck story defeat

    Toothless up front and a manager unwilling to make the tough decisions....

    A transfer policy with no improvement to the starting eleven

  2. Written after the game,,,prediction nearly right same team....let in last minute equaliser....which was always coming

    For me its so obvious....the transfer policy is wrong and the manager is to blame...I hear he looks to buy another player this week before the deadline..I say don't bother....unless the player is a first team shoe in..it just doesn't make sense and with last seasons transfers and with seven players bought this season with only one playing...I am sorry the manager has to be held accountable..and if the board don't read the riot act and start changing the transfer policy and force him to play the new players then its going to be a very tough season....

    It will soon get around not to sign for the club as they will never play...the idea of bringing players in is to improve the first eleven..maybe bring in one or two for the future but not six of them....its not to strengthen the second eleven for matches in cup competitions...what is the point of having Ake on loan to sit on the bench.....dont Chelsea care whether he plays or not....

    1. My issue is that we haven't looked to upgrade our defence and that Gradel isn't starting. You're right though, it's insanity that a majority of our signings have to warm the bench for some out of form players... Captaining Francis too. Now we can't replace him at CB without dropping Adam Smith to the bench who has been great for us.

