
Monday 22 August 2016

Indiscipline cost the Cherries

Harry Arter will be singled out as a major reason why AFCB lost the game at West Ham and that won't sit well with him. He may not have had anything to do with the goal that the Hammer's scored, but with him on the pitch it would have given AFCB more of a chance of blocking out and covering in the last few minutes of the game. It was a cruel way to lose a game that had been free of difficulty for Artur Boruc, but AFCB can't help but think they had a hand in their own downfall.
Harry Arter just steps over the line against West Ham.
Everyone knows how important it is in these tight games to keep 10-men on the pitch. The London stadium is a big pitch and West Ham's goal came by them using that width and making the most of the space that it gave them with the Cherries a man light. It was Charlie Daniels that was found wanting at the far post, but at the end of 90 minutes there will be tired legs and the cross was not prevented from coming in. 

Harry will know that he has not helped himself in this game and will feel disappointed at himself, but he will have time to think about what the team really needs from him as the next game goes by. AFCB have the talent that can fit in now when Arter is not available and Harry will soon see that if he does not already know it.

There were other free kicks given away though in dangerous positions by Ryan Fraser and Charlie Daniles in the first half that also put the Cherries unnecessarily under pressure. It is small margins, but if West Ham had had their ace free kick specialist on the pitch it would have been costly. So discipline has to be better all round.

1 comment:

  1. Although indiscipline in this game was undoubtly a factor... that's just papering over the facts of an abysmal first half straight from the off... and a large number of poor performances that have been apparent for much longer... four points from the last 24 that were available, points to the failings to be rather more than indiscipline. Although it maybe deemed as a form of sacrilege to question Eddie's abilities after all his magnificent achievements at AFCB... It's becoming very evident that some more serious questions are going to have to be asked if this rot continues any longer.

