
Tuesday 13 September 2016

Adam Smith should keep running directly at defenders

There was a point in the WBA game when Adam Smith made a strong run right at the heart of the Albion defence. He came inside well and had a good chance of getting into the box but suddenly went down, under challenge, just outside of the box. Referee Kevin Friend was in no doubt that Smith had dived to try and win a free kick and was quick to brandish the yellow card. I was shocked as Adam is usually a player that takes his opportunities to shoot when he goes clear and is rarely given a card for diving.
Adam Smith's pace has been electric of late.
My friend sat next to me said he thought it was a dive and I said I bet they don't show it on Match Of the Day. Of course they didn't and I like many others did not get a second look at it and of course nor did Kevin Friend. Sometimes I do feel that the rule that gave referees the option of yellow carding a player for simulation is more often shown than not when a player has been honest but has been clipped outside the line of sight of the officials. Fans in the East stand probably got a much better view of most as to whether Smith dived to avoid the challenge or believe that he should have been give the free kick. He looked dumbfounded though sitting on his haunches in the box looking back at the referee.

As it is, Smith was booked. I can live with that and he will need many more yellow cards before he runs the risk of being suspended. I am more keen on him keeping to run directly at defenders as he is very difficult to stop. He also has a great shot on him and will be one of the defenders in the team that I can see grabbing a few goals this season. His main aim must be to defend well though, and while he might be annoyed with not being able to stop the cross for West Ham's winner a few weeks ago, there has been very little to hold against Adam Smith who has been one of the best players over the last month. 

How much better Smith can get I am not sure. He seems to surprise though on a regular basis. It is possible that Adam is not sure how good he is himself, but the right back place is in good hands while he is trying to get up and down the pitch as often as he can. 

1 comment:

  1. Watched on the tele and can confirm it was a dive. Probs deserved the card too

