
Thursday 15 September 2016

AFCB must stay hard to beat

It is always going to be difficult going to any of the top six sides in the Premier League and next Saturday it will not be easy visiting the Etihad. Still, it is possible to get points against the best sides and AFCB have to make themselves much harder to beat than the last time they visited that stadium.

The side has found it very difficult to get clean sheets and it was very well timed that they managed that in their last game against WBA. Now they need to try and carry it on with a second clean sheet and that is just about the hardest test they could have up at Man City. Yet, what a boost it would be if they could achieve that. Artur Boruc was injured in the warm up last time the side went to Man City and this time he is in cracking form. The defence will know what they are in for having played their last season and with no Aguero they have at least one less world-class player to worry about, even if Pep Guardiola has an amazing squad to pick from.
AFCB travel to Manchester with more promise than was shown in early August.
Now that AFCB have something on the board in terms of points they need to set themselves new challenges. It is no good just being part of the Premier League to be knocked over by the big teams every week. At some point you have to knock the trend and beat a big team. There is no reason why AFCB should not go to the Etihad with a game plan to stifle the sky blues and keep the game tight until at least the second half. That in my view would be progress on what we have seen an AFCB side do and who knows what they might be able to do if they can stay in a game with a side that will find it frustrating if they can't just sweep aside the Cherries.

Against Chelsea last year, AFCB found the perfect plan to worry the then Champions. Now they must focus again on another stern test away from home and see if they can use the pace in the side to cause panic in Man City's defence. Positivity can take a group of players a long way and that is how AFCB should approach this next challenge. 

The Football Blog Awards are asking for votes up to 26th September 2016 - Cherry Chimes is asking followers of the blog to vote for it in the Best Football Club Blog category

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