
Monday 26 September 2016

AFCB play better when their backs are against the wall

Just when you expect the Cherries to struggle, they come out fighting. The win against Everton was great not only because it was a clean sheet and a home win against a good side, but it showed that AFCB had character as the managers like to say. The side had been condemned and criticised for its lack of fighting resilience against Man City and Preston, but the match against Everton was like a switch had been flicked on. The boys wanted it and they went out and fought for each other.
Forget about individual stars - AFCB are starting to pull together as a team.
I am not sure why the side seems to need a kick to get playing at its very best, perhaps Eddie Howe is the one to ask about that. But when there are set-backs and AFCB are on the back of a rough few games they manage to look deep within and find an extra 10 per cent to get a win. A negative result would have set a very different kind of atmosphere and it was imperative that Eddie Howe found away to turn things around. He has halted the side now and has given fresh optimism. You could also see how much it mean to Eddie Howe when Junior Stansilas put the Cherries ahead. He was highly animated and thrilled for his player. We don't often see that from Eddie but when they have had difficult times you do see him getting more involved in proceedings and I think it is great to see for the fans and the players.

You are not going to get great moments in every Premier League game so when they came along you should enjoy the high points. Eddie Howe paid thanks to the crowd as well which was respectful of what they have been through and the best way to apologise for some of the recent events. Everyone can draw a line now and start thinking positively again. The total of seven points from six games is a good position to be in to attack the season and now the players have found their groove it is important for the players who are not in the side to push those who have the shirts at the moment.

No player should feel comfortable in this side and the side will again have to be at its best against a Watford side that have already torn Man Utd apart and destroyed West Ham Utd, coming from two behind. This next game will be AFCB's biggest battle next and the resolve has to be high to get a result against a Watford side who also play better when they have a point to prove.


  1. Still do not understand the transfer policy....why buy players who will not improve the team...take ake...why did Chelsea loan him to us when he does not play or even on substitutes bench.....this is a policy that will backfire...who wants to come and play...when actually you don't play...

  2. I agree Alan. It's not just this season. If you look back at last season too - Murray, Tomlin, Distin, Federici and Iturbe. Eventually, we'll fail to attract players. Posted by Howard.

