
Tuesday 27 September 2016

It was all about spirit from AFCB

Fans wanted a reaction from the players and so did the manager for the Everton game. Too often the Cherries probably feel sorry for themselves rather than just acknowledging that they have to move on and create the conditions for a better week before the next game. Last week, they used all that they could in what had happened in the past, like they drew against Everton and not giving up on the game to steer them to a much more positive outlook before a ball was even kicked.
Harry is giving his all in games.
Negative vibes never help a team and yet just knowing that the players have done well in training and are keen to replicate one of their best performances from the previous seasons are all pointers towards AFCB finally getting its house in order on the pitch.

What I did see is that Harry Arter is back to his best. He is an absolute terrier when he gets in the mood and he was certainly in the mood against Everton. He wanted ever ball and he seemed quicker than everyone on the pitch. His fitness levels are surely among the best at the club and how he flexes himself before kick off gives you a good indication of how he can stretch an extra few per cent out of his body when he needs it. That energy and winning regularity that helped AFCB climb the leagues can be just as effective in the Premier League and it was good to see Martin Keown on Match Of The Day make recognition of how Arter was fighting for every ball.

It is always inspiring to others when one player is like a dynamo, pushing passes and pressing the opposition to force them into mistakes. That builds a spirit and an energy throughout the team and how far that will take AFCB will be great to see.

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