
Thursday 20 October 2016

Charlie Daniels is fighting hard for his place now

The form of Charlie Daniels was a bit indifferent at the start of the season, but he is picking up plenty of favourable comments now. He certainly made a lightening start to his game against Hull City and it carried his performance on through the 90 minutes.
Charlie Daniels gets his goal scoring off the mark with a volley against Hull City.
The technique Charlie showed to keep the ball down and hammer such a fierce volley into the net for the opening goal against Hull City was no mean feat. The ball swerved viscously past the man on the line and was hit so powerfully that it even put energy into many of the fans' celebrations of the goal. AFCB were off and running and we could all settle back to see what lead the Cherries could get by half time having made a cracking start.

Daniels has been finding his way into the box and he hits such a powerful shot that he always is a good bet to score if he can find the target. But it was another aspect of his familiar game that stood out for me. The final goal that was created by Charlie for Dan Gosling was a superb run. He picked up the ball, like he had against Newcastle in the away game last season, and simply decided he was going to run right through the Hull defenders. He made them all look flat-footed and he steered his way past two or three defenders very quickly, which sent panic waves through the Tiger's defence. That in itself drew more players towards him and left a good deal of space around Dan Gosling who had only just come on.  Dan's strike was equally good and well directed, but much of the goal was down to Charlie Daniels sudden injection of pace and his unlocking of the Hull City defence.
Broom Hill Garden Buildings

This was Charlie Daniels' best performance of the season so far. He has perhaps had some of the most criticism this season of the AFCB players, but he has reacted well and to keep Tyrone Mings and Brad Smith (now injured) out of the team is going to be tough this season so he needed that boost in his performance levels.


  1. Hull are probably the weakest team in the league right now and last week was a must win to glean points against the teams around us..as our ability at the moment to get any points from the top six will be difficult.

    Daniels at the moment has no competition..as Brad Smith is injured and the manager will not play Mings....as he will stick with his favourites....

    There had to be one change from last season as Ritchie needed to be replaced and I suspect the terms of taking Wilshere was he had to play..contrast that with Ake....

    The discussion regarding Lewis Cook is now over as he is also injured...so all these new players are going to be very frustrated and we appear to be lucky right now with the first team injury and suspension free....we know this can change quite quickly and we could be faced with a situation of playing non match tight players...

    I suspect come January a few will be putting in transfer requests....playing maybe in a couple of rounds in the FA Cup will be unsatisfactory..

    Again I ask and still have no answer why do we not play in the Premier UNder 23 league...surely some games at this level would be beneficial

    1. Mings is still not match sharp or match 'strong' and that is why he is not playing - nothing to do with favourites at all. Wasn't Elphick a 'favourite' and where is he now ? The comment about Wilshire is purely guesswork and Edddie has never taken a player on loan on the basis of having to play them. If he had then Iturbe would have played every week - as the Watford fans insisted he only came to us rather than them because he was promised a starting place every week.
      Ake is disappointed - that is in the open and he has every right to be but where do you play him and who do you drop to make him 'happy'. Any player dropped for Ake in our midfield would have every right to be very unhappy. Remember Ake was played at fb by Watford last year and wanted to play in his favoured position of defensive centre midfield. So - in short he is in direct competition with Arter, not Daniels and no outfield player has outperformed Harry this Season.
      It strikes me you are being overly negative based on nothing more than guesswork. A settled side is worth more than the sum of it's parts - that is why Eddie sticks to a basic 11 and 'hey ho' it's worked pretty well for 5 years now.
      Trying to keep fringe players happy by upsetting the regulars is a nonsense.

