
Thursday 6 October 2016

Lewis Cook is at the right place club right now

I heard that HITC Sport were claiming that Lewis Cook would benefit from a loan move as he has not yet managed to secure a regular Premier League starting place at AFCB yet. It amazes me how some football fans expect instant success for players at a club. There is nothing wrong with players developing and learning how best they can add something to a team and Lewis Cook will be a success at AFCB given time.

Lewis Cook will improve with the players he has around him now.
There have not been a lot of opportunities for Lewis to get in the side to be fair. The opening day match against Man Utd dd not give Lewis an easy game to stake his claim and since then the form of Harry Arter and Andrew Surman has helped the Cherries climb to 13th in the table. Why would Eddie Howe change that combination when it has started to earn the points? That does not mean Lewis Cook should be sent off to a lower division club. A loan move elsewhere would keep him fit but would not get him thinking like a Bournemouth player, and would send the wrong message to him at this stage when he needs to show he is good enough to be a Premier League player.

We have seen in the last match against Watford that Harry Arter came out for the second half with his right thigh heavily strapped as he felt a hamstring twinge. It is possible that Harry will have to have a short lay off and that could give Lewis Cook his best opportunity of getting a run in the side. He also knows that that first game after the international break is against Hull City and a great chance to show how he can influence such games. He has not had much time to get to play with Andrew Surman and Jack Wilshere yet, but it would be important to see how they perform together.

There are also the FA Cup games to come and that will also be likely to use more of the squad than the regular Premier League starters. Lewis has to battle his way to the top as will Emerson Hyndman and Nathan Aké. All three should be doing their utmost now to get Eddie Howe to give them a go and for me Lewis is the idea candidate to replace Arter if he needs time out as he lays in a similar hustling style. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally disagree with you....if Arter is not fit then Gosling will play ..there is a myth of playing the 'Bournemouth' way...which way is that new players cannot adapt to....why can Ibe and Wilshere play immediately this new style of football and Cook or Ake cannot..its nonsense

    Ake is now in the papers stating how frustrated he is in not getting any playing time and quite right as well...he came on loan to get playing time from Chelsea so what is the point of having him if the manager feels he cannot improve the team and he does not play....noone will loan us players in future unless they do play...we have history of this..Iturbe Atsu...

    Lewis Cook is in the same predicament..he is thought highly enough to play for England U20's (Ibe not in U21's) but has disappeared from the radar...he came to play Premiership football and he has no chance unless there is a ton of injuries or suspensions..and he will certainly have lost his match sharpness....

    I am sure the manager has his reasons but you bring players in to improve the team not the squad....and this is a real problem which will come back and haunt us in future transfer negotiations.

    I would not be surprised if there are major transfer requests to leave come January


    Ake will want to seek playing time somewhere else and I don't blame him one jot..and if I were Chelsea I would never loan Bournemouth another player again...

