
Thursday 15 December 2016

Does Wilshere make the difference for AFCB?

The global media seem more fascinated with one player in AFCB's side above all others. Yes, Jack Wilshere is a headline maker every game for them even when he has to sit on the bench for a game like he did against Arsenal and Burnley. But while Jack has had a positive impact on the side and has played well himself, I hope the media and pundits don't put AFCB's success down to the work of Jack Wilshere.

Jack is part of a team when he plays for AFCB.
I see Jack as a great addition to the team and you can see the camaraderie he has already built up with team-mates. It really seems to be working for him down at Bournemouth and as long as he stays happy I expect it to be really good for the side. AFCB have of course climbed the table though in the meantime and now the curious are trying to work out how come this has happened. Is it just Eddie Howe? Is it the addition of Jack Wilshere? 

The more honest view is perhaps the side has progressed as a whole as well as one or two individuals. We will really only know how much Jack adds to the side when AFCB no longer have him and having seen the side bounce up in the top 10, I wonder if that will bring a different kind of pressure on scouting system at AFCB. If they finish the season anywhere around their current position there will be a need to bring in players that can keep the side up there, and possibly take it on even further and with the huge gain that might take place, it could be that AFCB are looking for two or three Jack Wilshere's come this summer.

Barmy though that may seem, the bar has been set for the team and it is amazing that the side keeps raising it. But surely as fans that is what we should want and yet do AFCB fans want in the future? Jack Wilshere is the calibre of player that is rare for our supporters to have seen from game to game, but even on the radio I heard this week that Steve Cook was being talked about in terms of a possible England centre back. He may not play in the same position as Jack, but to me Steve Cook and all the players that have contributed to AFCB's second season in the Premier League have made significant contributions to the team's success, and perhaps some wider audience will start to see that AFCB is not a one-man team.

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