
Friday 2 December 2016

Eddie - on to the next 300 games for AFCB then

This week the club and the media have been very complimentary and respectful of the great achievements of Eddie Howe in managing AFCB for 300 games with the help of Jason Tindall of course. Both men have no sought bigger jobs and have stayed loyal to the club where they played most of their football and AFCB is lucky to have such a great duo to preside over the club.

Eddie Howe has brought great stability and success to AFCB.
The Great Escape and the early days of Eddie Howe's management at AFCB have been much written about and the success in climbing the divisions have been stepping stones to take him now to the brink of being in many top pundits minds as the next England manager in waiting. It is not the past that Eddie has much time to think about though. He is wrapped up in the moment of preparing this AFCB side to be as good as it can get and every match is a progression in his own understanding as well as the players. His on the job skills are remarkable and that he still enjoys working at AFCB is a real privilege for our fans, as imagining the club without him is really quite unthinkable.

I just want to think about the next 300 games that Eddie and Jason are going to plan out with AFCB. What does the future hold? Is this a side that could win a cup or find its way into the upper reaches of the Premier League - dare I even say Europe? The targets that Eddie sets are always progressive and while staying in the Premier League is a big enough challenge for any young manager and team that has been more used to playing in the lower divisions, I don't believe that Eddie Howe is satisfied with just making up the numbers in the Premier League. He has new ambitions for the club along with the owners. AFCB are in a unique position in their rise to this league and the new breed of supporters that they can attract from TV coverage. 

All the time Eddie and Jason are having to find new players to take the squad forwards, while getting more out of the players that the club has. Another part of the game is letting players move t other clubs and with Matt Ritchie being the first in a long time to be a player that AFCB would have rather kept than sold, Eddie may have to deal with that problem on a more regular basis now.

Life is what you make of it and Eddie has certainly achieved much in his two spells as manager at AFCB, but I know he is still getting better and that makes me hopeful that we could still be celebrating what Eddie are doing at the club well in to the future.

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