
Friday 16 December 2016

We are in exceptional times

It may seem odd but AFCB have just beaten the Champions and yet if you think about it this is the second season in a row that they have done that. Marvellous! Eddie Howe felt that he was finding that every week he was having to say these are exceptional times in AFCB's history, but writing a new chapter in the Premier League is an exciting project that will define how the club is viewed to many new supporters.
It's no longer unfashionable to be an AFCB fan.
Eddie also made reference recently to being pleased with the owners not making high demands on him and he seems keen to praise the owners who have of course made a lot of this possible for AFCB and Eddie to achieve what they have. While the club keeps winning, other problems don't seem to matter quite as much, but the pressures of this league are huge on everyone working at the club. I hope they all get a minute at some point to say we are putting smiles on faces.
Broom Hill Garden Buildings

I also think AFCB fans have become accustomed to the stability and calm way that Eddie Howe goes about his business. We are lucky to have him and the sacking of Gary Rowett at Birmingham City this week just shows how easy it is for a new board and a manager to part ways. AFCB have needed that stability to get where they are today and even though the club has problems, like the decision to look for a new ground, and trying to provide more supporters a way to watch the team, there are records being broken every day. It is a shame that some fans can't be in the stadium to see some of the epic performances.

The games with Southampton have not been exactly what I would call thrillers though of late. I'm looking forward to something rather special on Sunday. Southampton might not be the Champions, but they are another important indicator of how far AFCB are progressing if the side can beat them again. 


  1. Yes we are in dreamland..and it looks like the dream will continue for at least another season...if Bournemouth are to take the enxt step there will need to be a chnage in transfer policy..to bring in players who will improve the first team and not just disappear..it looks now that Ibe is joining MOusset/Cook and Smith to be a waste of money...please do not buy players in transfer window who will not be playing first team football

  2. Don't agree with Alan on the transfers at all. That policy is what has got us to being a stable midtable Premiership side and potentially even pushing on. Ibe looks incredibly talented and will be a big player for us moving forward but is a little raw at the moment. Mousset clearly has a lot of ability and is being given time to get used to a different culture and playing style. Cook has been injured for much of the season and we haven't seen enough of him yet - he's highly rated by the club and nationally so I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. Smith has only had 1 start but we do need cover at left back and he looks useful - he could be used more in matches against pacy opponents as Daniels struggles in those battles.

    Don't be so quick to harshly judge - the future looks bright so long as we don't veer too much from current recruitment policy.

  3. agreed, players for future seasons as opposed to now. We don't seem to be doing too bad with the present regular 11

