
Monday 2 January 2017

The Cherries enjoy crafting their goals

I can't help but marvel at AFCB's second goal at the Liberty Stadium on Saturday. The intricacies of the close passing is always a sign that AFCB's front players are enjoying their time on the pitch, and this goal in particular was beautifully crafted and showed an unselfish decision by Junior Stanislas that is typical of the way this group of players play as a team.
Jack Wilshere has become a key team player in the side.
Many will have been dismayed at times by the fact that AFCB's sharp shooters like to walk the ball virtually into the goal. Most of the time it does not come off, but when it does work you have to admit that these goals do have something special to them as so many players are involved in the move. Against Swansea it was the timing of the second goal that basically gave AFCB the win. It was Harry Arter that started things off and he pushed the ball out to the right, where Simon Francis had been in an advanced position for most of the game. When Francis played the ball across to Stanislas, it looked like Junior might be tackled but his deft flick with the back of his heel saw the ball shoot on to Jack Wilshere, who was more central. The pass that made the goal for me was Wilshere's return ball that fit into Junior's stride perfectly. While it was a good angle for Junior to shoot, it perhaps made the goal even bigger when he decided to go across the keeper and allow Fraser to slot home from six yards.

On another day we might have been annoyed if AFCB had over played things and missed out on scoring. But imagine what the guys felt like when they walked off the pitch at half time having scored a superb goal like that. They will have been buzzing as they entered the dressing room, and Eddie will have been delighted with how they finished that first half. The big challenge then was to be switched on in the first 15 minutes of the second half and with recent disappointments I never thought that would be a problem in this game.

I can understand saying that this was an easy goal against a disheartened team, but AFCB needed the confidence booster and while it will not be so easy against Arsenal, the team is at home and will look to make a better fist of imposing this kind of passing style on Arsenal.  They have come closer every time they have played Arsenal, and it would be a big marker for AFCB to take some points off of an Arsenal team that are chasing Chelsea. in the title race. 

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