
Wednesday 8 February 2017

AFCB have to fight even harder to get out of this hole

To score three goals at Goodison would have been something that Eddie Howe would have been fairly pleased about before the game, if he was told that this is what his side would do in the afternoon. Some of AFCB's play is not in need of major repair, even without the likes of Callum Wilson. It's not just putting the ball in the net though that wins teams games, and the side has to carry on its fight, like it did in the second half against Everton, in the next games if it is to dig itself out of the hole that is now opening wider and wider below them.

Don't believe the pundits just talking about the bottom six being in danger -
AFCB are right in the battle to stay up especially with Swansea and
Leicester playing next week end, which will close the gap if AFCB lose to Man City 
It has been hard for Eddie Howe to understand why his players have been almost day dreaming into this position, where the relegation zone is now just a couple of defeats away from them, but he is honest in his appraisal that his side need to work much harder if they are to pull themselves away from the danger area. It is going to be down to the players to pull themselves out of this, but they have to accept the mistakes they are making as a team and not get at each other when individual mistakes happen.

There was some anger, which is only natural when the side went in 3-0 at half time at Goodison and the side needs to vent is frustrations at times like this, but they also have to understand that they need every member of this squad to have a good day on the pitch and they can't continue to squabble for long. It is more productive to look at why the mistakes are happening and how they can change matters with better decisions. Each player has to make themselves available for the ball, and they have to be closer and more compact when they don't have the ball. It is not anything new that Eddie will be telling the players, but they are up against some excellent sides that are taking advantage from simple lapses in concentration. AFCB need to be more tuned on, and that has to be a priority in the next few games. 

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