
Thursday 16 February 2017

Arter is sure AFCB are now on the same page

Harry Arter's comments after the Man City game were just the kind of words that you won't to hear coming out of your club. He was very honest in saying that they hadn't been good enough for a while, and that something had been missing. It seems peculiar that a team can fall down so quickly from a level of performance that was proving sound, but I think the players are only just coming to terms with what happened in January, and their need to pick up their game.
Arter is confident that AFCB are back playing as they should be.
Arter is a sensible player when it comes to trying to put things right. He runs harder, pushes harder and tackles harder. He manages to find an extra two or three per cent all the time, and it's easy to see why that kind of game makes him such a crowd favourite. The pleasing aspect to last Monday's match is that I saw another 10 other players also look just as committed and they are, as Arter said "now on the same page".

I'm encouraged by the admission that things weren't working and that the players knew they had to do something themselves to put a performance in. Okay, they didn't win and the table looks no better, but the morale in the camp should be on the up again as they were not out classed by Man City, who had to be at their best to get the win. Eddie Howe will know his side has a heart beat again now and he has to keep that going.

The fire in the belly looks to be back and that is what the fans wanted to see - a bit of fight. What was concerning was why it took so long for the players to find that, but with all the other teams around them not giving up, it was imperative that AFCB found where they needed to be on the pitch in the level of performance, and I expect them to build on what they did against Man City in the next couple of games. 

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