
Wednesday 29 March 2017

Can AFCB take Jordan Ibe's game on over the summer?

If fans thought that Jordan Ibe's £15m signing would see him be the player to light up AFCB's season and take them to a new level, they might have underestimated what the competition for wingers is like at the club. Jordan has not managed to move his game on that much yet since his move, but I imagine that this summer he will be one of the players that Eddie Howe will want to do some of the most work with. 
Ibe still has to find a way of releasing more of his talent on the pitch.
Jordan can improve I am sure ,and he has looked better in my opinion when he has come on as a second half sub. He became kind of used to seeing 60 minutes in games before being pulled before Christmas, but of late the form of others have kept him out of the limelight. He is the kind of player that would frustrate me as a manger, as you can see how easily he finds it to be a couple of players in a row, but then he loses his decision-making at the vital moment, when he either needs to play someone in, get a cross over or drive a powerful shot that is on target. It is the final part of Jordan's game that has to be worked on, and I imagine Steve Fletcher might be the coach that can start giving Ibe the confidence to try a few new things to add to his game.


While Steve Fletcher is a number nine in the old fashioned sense of the word, we have already heard how he has helped the defenders work better at defending set pieces, and I bet he has a few masterclasses on striking the ball that would be a boost to Ibe's game. We know Ibe is quick with his feet and an energetic player, but making him get his head in the right place and to think quickly when in that last third of the pitch is what he needs to gain. Steve Fletcher was an instinct player who usually chose the right decision near goal and I'd like to see Ibe see if he can pick things up from such people at the club who have been through tough goalscoring times.

Far from being disappointed with Ibe though, I see a player who may well reinvent himself in the coming months, and he may well feel that with 12 months under his belt at Bournemouth that he is finally going to find it easier to express his 'A game' on the pitch.


  1. I think he is a waste of space....15million down the drain...he is too young...picking up too much money and probably thinks he has made it....my advise is to put him on transfer list along with all the transfer diasters this season


    Survive we should do...but where are the next generation to replace what is inevitably coming Dads army

  2. Did you not see Hyndman has been nominated for Ranger's young player of the year in only a dozen games? Come on mate, cut the lads some slack.

  3. I disagree that Hydmann was a disaster. His form for Rangers show his potential. He has been wonderful for them as I suspect he will be next year for AFCB.

