
Monday 24 April 2017

AFCB started Boro game in the right way

It was the perfect start for the Cherries in the crucial match against Middlesbrough. While it is always the plan to score early, it is never that simple to achieve a quick start. The pleasing factor in Bournemouth's early play is that they set about the game not feeling nervous or under pressure, but in their full flowing passing mode that tore Middlesbrough apart.
Josh gets the Cherries off to a great start.
The familiar partnership of Marc Pugh and Charlie Daniels on the left has been a signature of this AFCB team for many years and it now works like clockwork. The Cherries know their angles so well and the movement and interchanges that they make are quite spellbinding on defenders who don't keep tight attention on the play off the ball. It was too quick and too slick for Boro who were soon chasing shadows, and Marc Pugh just grew in confidence during the game having supplied the early assist for Josh King.


The pace and accuracy of Bournemouth's passing in the opening 20 minutes is what did for Boro. AFCB don't always find that top gear straight away, but it was very important that they took the game away from Boro as soon as possible in such a vital game that was almost a gift in the end to push the Cherries towards safety. The lads still had to create the chances and finish them in style, and by the time Afobe had netted the second Bournemouth goal it was unlikely that Boro would recover, and the sending off of Gaston Ramirez really killed off any hope of them staging something of a comeback.

It was a stark contrast of a game compared to last week's defeat to Spurs, and while there was every chance that Bournemouth would find a way to crush to Boro, the northerners had only let in 39 goals before taking on Bournemouth. That was the seventh best defence in the league, but it didn't look that way at Dean Court.

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