
Tuesday 18 April 2017

AFCB's half time change around didn't get a chance to work

Whether there would have been a way for AFCB to threaten the Spurs goal if they had done anything different is hard to say at this point. Eddie Howe said though that he tried to change things around at the start of the second half to put more pressure on the ball, but Harry Kane''s goal nullified any of that from meaning anything.
Lewis Cook could not have had a harder game to come into than Spurs away.
The Cherries did not sub Adam Smith despite him taking a heavy knock at the end of the first half, but Lewis Cook did get a good deal of the second half when Jack Wilshere had to come off for an ankle injury. There was not much that Lewis could do though to make an impression in such a game and even if the Cherries had played with six in midfield it probably would not have stemmed the tide of white shirts coming forward. 

Josh King had to play fairly deep just to give Arter and Wilshere a chance of getting near the ball in midfield and with the team concertinaed in their own half there was no way to play out effectively. A few long balls out never found their elusive target of Benik Afobe and there was no way of hurting Spurs.

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The fact that AFCB had just one Charlie Daniels shot on target all game was really disappointing. Howe will wonder what he needs to do to make the Cherries more competitive than this away from home. Some may say it was foolish to play with two up front, but in reality King was never much further ahead of Arter and Wilshere as the Cherries sunk back on their heels. 

The only significant positive that AFCB will have noted was that when Junior Stanislas whipped a cross behind Spur's back four it really opened them up, but we didn't see enough of that.

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