
Thursday 20 April 2017

Fresh ideas will have to be added to AFCB's game in the long run

Taking on Spurs, Chelsea and Liverpool in recent weeks has highlighted a few shortcomings in AFCB's play. While playing from the back has been a central theme that will be continued as the side goes forward it was noticeable that Spurs in particular could make angles and create pockets of play that left the Cherries almost standing in appreciation and utterly dumbfounded. In short, the model that Howe has created has to be tweaked further when coming up against the best sides.

Eddie will need to keep adding to his ways of playing against the best teams.
Some fresh ideas are likely to be added during the summer as will some new players. The question will soon arise for Howe as to whether some of the players have reached their level and won't progress any further. He may need to bring in players that can think for themselves better, when the team is under the kind of pressure that teams like Spurs and Chelsea apply.

While the comeback against Liverpool strengthened the belief that AFCB were starting to find ways of halting the dominance of the top flare sides, the humbling defeats that they received from Chelsea and Spurs should necessitate some new plans to combat such games better. Getting out of their own half proved far too complicated and the desire not to lose possession only forced the players into dead end areas of the pitch where they then squandered possession and left themselves vulnerable to attacks.
Eddie Howe is  not a manager that simply rips up his rule book. He'll assess how the team can get up the pitch better and gain more control against the top teams. It might seem like an impossible job at times but finding the solutions is what this game is all about. I trust Eddie will come up with some fresh ideas for next season.

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