
Thursday 4 May 2017

Will Howe be satisfied if he just keeps improving AFCB?

I was watching Soccer Sunday with the guests on the show being Dennis Wise and Vinny Jones from the old Crazy gang. Dennis Wise was asked by Ben Shepherd what the next step for Eddie Howe should be? It is a question that AFCB fans don't want to hear asked and one that only Eddie Howe can really answer. Still, it didn't stop Dennis Wise from saying that he should go on to manage a top four side - high praise indeed.

My feelings are that Eddie will want to see at least a year in the
 new stadium when it is built before thinking of oher job opportunities.
The career path of Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall has really seen onward progression at just about every stage of their managerial careers. Even the move to Burnley was instructive and beneficial as it taught them a lot about better players and the pressures of the Championship, which will have helped when AFCB were promoted there. This weekend though the pundits have been talking up the fact that if AFCB surpass 42 points this season, it will be four seasons in a row that AFCB and their management duo have improved on their previous season. How many managers can say that I wonder?

This, of course, makes Eddie Howe hot property and while I always believed he would stay in the initial years when AFCB were promoted into the Premier League, the fast turnover of managers is certainly going to put some outside pressure on him as to what he might be looking for as a next move. The plus point from an AFCB fan's point of view is that the players at the club are being sourced by Eddie and his team of scouts, and he has great control over what happens at the club and its direction. Somehow, I imagine he would be somewhat restricted at a top four club with perhaps a less helpful chairman, too.

I also believe Eddie will be very much involved in what is going to happen regarding the planning of the new stadium. AFCB really have to keep their place in the Premier League to enable them to build a project like this, and the best way to achieve that is with Eddie and Jason staying at the club. So while pundits and former players may be keen to prise our Eddie away from his roots, they may find that there is more than enough going on in the south coast to keep his eyes solely on the Cherries for the time being. Anyone going to back against a fifth season in a row improvement for AFCB?


  1. I am sure he will stay for a little while longer...unless the arsenal job becomes available....

    However nothing lasts forever and one day the manager will go...whether that is sooner or later...and we need to think who could succeed him...

    So...just for the hell of it...

    Tindall....maybe have the chance to be number one

    The brothers who took lincoln to promotion

    Wilder..the sheff utd manager

  2. It could be the case that Raneri's success at Leicester last season might keep Howe around longer than expected to see if he can catch lightening in the bottle too. I know folks say Arsenal, but my worry would be Everton.

