
Tuesday 20 June 2017

AFCB's new official website is a hit!

I was probably getting used to the old club site and finding my way around things so to see a new site pop up last week was a bit of a surprise, but a very nice one. It has been created by Stadion and is already grabbing my attention not only for stories but for its clean and open design.
One thing  the new site does have its lots of AFCB goals!
I asked a few questions on twitter to fans to see if there was any reaction to the change and I only received positive responses so if there are some that are not pleased they have kept quiet. AFCB have always been innovators and it is just like them to want the best for the fans, and I am looking forward to being able to see the interviews and correspondence without the premium price that you had to subscribe to in the past.

The interactivity of the site is going to be something special. Some fans will already have watched the live stream of the End of Season Awards night and it will be intriguing to see what AFCB come up with when they want to do some live broadcasts of events at the club and on tour. I have already been checking up past performances on the AFCBTV part of the site and hopefully when the new season begins we will see match reports and interviews go up as soon as they can after the game finishes.

The Opta stats will also be something that I am sure many of us will be looking at very closely to see why Eddie Howe is perhaps picking certain players over others when it comes to that all important starting line up.

I am not sure if AFCB are still looking for feed back, but you can see the form still up on the site if you want to tell them what you think about their site now.

Here is what some fans had to say about the site:

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