
Thursday 24 August 2017

How does Eddie get AFCB functioning?

The knives are already out and we have only played two league games. The players know they have not been operating at their true level, and its more disturbing that Eddie Howe points towards a lack of pride and fight in the Watford match, when AFCB could not muster any comeback when they went a goal down.
Eddie needs to get to the bottom of why the team is not functioning well.
To me, the games against Man City and Arsenal are just what the Cherries probably need. These are big games where the team knows it has to collectively fight for everything just to keep in contact with the quality that their opponents will have. 

Against WBA and Watford it was Bournemouth trying to make the play and expecting the opposition to use the counter-attack. While Eddie Howe wants Bournemouth to be a possession side, they have not been doing it effectively and have probably been handed possession too easily with the sides they have already played and have simply been lured into their trap.

Playing better teams will have the worry of conceding more goals, but it will encourage more fight and a team spirit, which is required now as the players are no doubt angry with each other after what has happened so far. AFCB have not become a terrible team with most of the same players of last season still on the pitch. They have it within them to turn this around. It will happen, but what it is going to take to make that spark happen? 

The early kick off against Man City at home puts the spotlight well on the Cherries. It's a different build up for a game and may just raise the fight levels in the team. Getting the team functioning is crucial for the well-being of not just the players but the supporters too.

We know there is dissatisfaction with some of the midfield payers in particular. Fans want them out, but knee-jerk reaction is not what Eddie Howe is known for. He will make some changes, but will have belief that the players themselves can turn things around as they have done in the past. 

1 comment:

  1. It starts with lewis cook starting ..mings in defence and ake in midgield ...no surman no arter...ifcook does not start he should ask for a transfer

