
Wednesday 23 August 2017

Tyrone Mings puts in a brave and heroic performance at Birmingham

Tyrone Mings has hopefully started the turnaround in AFCB's season that they so needed. He might not be the man that is always going to pop up and score the goals, but he put his body on the line to keep Birmingham from increasing their lead at St Andrew's in the first half.
Tyrone Mings chose to go in the right direction to
 keep Birmingham from extending their lead.
Bournemouth had fallen behind to another soft goal that was largely of their own making. A corner that was poorly defended cost AFCB an easier game and when Birmingham's Vassel showed he had the  strength to get away from Steve Cook. While he had the where with all to round Artur Boruc and get his shot away on target, it looked a hopeless cause to AFCB fans looking on. But Tyrone Mings doesn't give up easily, and he timed his run to perfection to meet the ball as it was about to cross the line. Having the quickness of thought to back heel the ball certainly saved the Cherries from going 2-0 down, and the cost to himself was fairly major as he smashed into the supporting post holding up the netting at the back of the goal.

It took quite a few minutes for Mings to recover with some treatment, but that is what centre-halves do. So often its the strikers that get the plaudits but Eddie Howe was certain that Mings' commitment to the team at that moment was a pivotal moment for the Cherries. It changed the likely outcome of the game as Bournemouth rarely had to defend their box as much in the latter parts of the game. It gave the players a moment to see how Tyrone so much wanted not to lose the game and it generated positivity in the team.

While it was great to see Ryan Fraser and Marc Pugh get the goals that would carry AFCB through to the third round of the League Cup, it is Tyrone Mings who should be getting many of the pats on the back for helping AFCB through this time. It gives Eddie Howe something to think about as well. Tyrone is a player that does well in big games and it's something that we are all becoming more aware of.

1 comment:

  1. One possibility could be to play Mings in central defence and Ake in defensive midfield as part of a 4-3-3.

