
Monday 27 November 2017

Adam Smith could have thrown the game at Swansea

The protests from the Swansea supporters for the challenge Adam Smith put in on tammy Abrahams as the 90 minutes was running out what a bit of a heart in mouth moment for AFCB fans. We have seen games lost on such challenges before and although Adam was not adjudged to have fouled Abrahams he was the wrong side and was taking a gamble by sticking his foot in
Adam had a few nervous seconds after the challenge he made on Tammy Abrahams.
Abrahams looked like he was clipped to me and did not just go down by losing his footing The action of Smith kind of swooped Abrahams' standing leg, but it was so quick and a difficult one to call precisely. While the challenge started on the line or just outside the box it looked like Smith was still in contact when the player went down inside the box as well. So while Bournemouth escaped the prospect of having to see Begovic face a penalty, there have been a few moments now like in the Stoke match when the Cherries have been fortunate not to throw the game late on.
Adam Smith is also having to watch his challenges a bit considering he is a game away from a ban and while Eddie Howe likes to keep the same players starting when the team is on a good run, he could take Adam Smith out of the fire for the next game just to get him thinking again about such situations when he really has to be as careful as he can be. Even Steve Cook, who had been having a good game, was finding Tammy Abrahams a difficult prospect to keep away from goal and Bournemouth did well to hold out for a clean sheet at Swansea.

Smith wasn't really questioned after the game in his interview with AFCBTV on the Abrahams incident but he did acknowledge that Swansea got on top and it was not a comfortable afternoon for the Cherries. Smith can be pleased that he got the decision on this one challenge but he has to be mindful of the game situation when it is right to take a gamble and commit, and when it is not and this one was a fine line. 


  1. We've actually not been playing well since the start of the season... not even the 4-0 against Huddersfield was anywhere near the standard of fast flowing 'front foot' football we should be at and our 'style' of play has become boring! No-one can remember the last time we came out of the blocks with a fast moving attacking intent! The only difference between our current position and the start of the season is the newly found resolution in defence and Lady Luck! All very well and good, but mainly forced on us due to a constant lack of creative attacking ability from midfield which has us conceding possession and defending in numbers for most of the time. Lady Luck has been on our side for the last few matches but Eddie has to stop talking about our attractive creative but risky style of football and start walking the talk... because our 'luck' will soon revert to being more representative of our form... and that is not good! Playing the most creative midfielder on the staff (Lewis Cook) would be a move in that direction.

  2. Also, Smith made a weak challenge on Fer shortly before - which also nearly resulted in a home goal. Fortunately, Ake and Begovich just about manages to save the situation. I am a strong supporter of Smith, but probably now needs to be replaced at right back and then re-introduced in midfield or right wing.

