
Thursday 28 December 2017

What's up with Josh King this season?

It's not been a magical season for Josh King yet. Whether he is totally fit half the time is something Eddie Howe has been keeping close to his chest, but looking at the performances of late, it doesn't look like Josh is at a level where he is going to find getting to double figures in goals is going to be an easy task for him.
Josh King is sitting on three goals this season in league and cup games.
I do wonder why Eddie has not given Josh a few more games playing as the number nine striker and leading the line. He only seems to get that gig when other strikers are injured and Defoe and Wilson have been the go to men to play that role this season, which has diminished the number of chances for King.

Having said that, in the West Ham match, King had great chances to extend his goal count but put several chances wide. The power and strength in his game is not quite there in games and yet when it is, he is undoubtedly one of the best strikers in the Premier League. I can't help but feel that a fully fit Josh King will find it no trouble to pull AFCB out of the low position AFCB are in, and pull the club to relative safety. He has done it before and he is very hard to stop when he gets on a goal run. But for some reason it hasn't happened yet this season.

Eddie Howe must find a way of getting more out of King. If he can do it, he'll make life much easier for himself and the team. While there are several players that Howe will be looking to get better performances from, we can also see that King is a man that has the capability of doing special things, and if he needs more of an arm put round him to get him firing, Eddie Howe needs to do that now. 

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