
Thursday 18 January 2018

Forget team selection some just didn't perform for AFCB

Everyone will have been disappointed with the FA Cup result for Bournemouth. While Eddie made lots of changes, the players that did turn out for Bournemouth were totally out performed by a Wigan side that wanted to win every ball. The AFCB players that were selected may have been disappointed themselves in being in a second string team for the FA Cup, but when you represent your club in such a historic competition you expect to see passion and skill. So where was it?

Some fans may point the finger at Eddie Howe for selecting a starting 11 that did not feature many of the players from the win against Arsenal. But as has been the case in the recent run of matches. Bournemouth just don't start well anymore. It doesn't seem to matter which players take to the field, AFCB always need a comeback and there has to be something wrong in what AFCB are doing to build themselves up for games at the moment.
Come on Benik. That wasn't good enough was it?
The prime culprit for many of the chances will be the strikers as they need to slot away chances when plenty have been created for goals. Afobe in particular has had a bit of a nightmare and for him the only good thing is that it happened in an away game. But he is not getting any better and AFCB have to find an answer to his lack of goals. Whether he is replaced or told to shape up I'm not sure, but he has to have some pride in his own performance and must himself admit that what he has given is not enough.

Other senior players were also at fault. What was Andrew Surman doing in losing the ball so frequently? It's not been just in this Wigan game but in a few matches this season. Meanwhile, Harry Arter reverted to his old frustrated self and showed the side of his game that all fans hoped had been subdued. These are experienced heads and to be honest they let Eddie Howe down and more than that they let down the travelling 497 Bournemouth fans down.
Of course the defeat seems even worse though after being in such a high, having beaten Arsenal. But if this defeat brings a reaction that sees Bournemouth play every remaining match with performances more like the win against Arsenal will an early FA Cup exit be forgotten? It might have been in previous seasons, but I think twice in the last two years mean that the squad depth just isn't there yet for AFCB to play two powerful sides in League and cup and as many as four to six better players are needed to make a cup side for AFCB string enough to get through ties like this.

But well done Wigan Athletic for fully exposing AFCB's weaknesses.


  1. After your comeback in the first game, we were expecting a pretty rough night. Premier League opposition who seemed to have the measure of us after the first game was always going to be a tough ask. No doubt Bournemouth have more quality than we do, but your lads just didn't seem to want it as much. Delighted as a Wigan fan, but I'd be concerned if I was a Bournemouth fan. Being outclassed sometimes is part of life when you're not a Man U, City or Chelsea. You take it on the chin. But being done for effort and desire would worry me. Hope you turn it around though. I'll back any 'small' club flying the flag for non-billionaires in the Premier League.

  2. Eddie Howe has been consistent that ours is a balanced squad, with little to choose between our best player at any position and the rest. But that gap, for reasons unclear, has widened. Age? Inexperience? Undisclosed injuries? Personal issues? Rust? Could be any of these. I see a lot of angst and irritation from Cherries fans in other blogs (Cherry Chimes always takes the high road on these matters). But, I ask all AFCB supporters - would you trade away our first team XI, when healthy, for any other first team XI outside of the Big six? I don't think so.
    Toronto John

