
Monday 26 February 2018

Have Bournemouth become a 20 minute team?

There is a certain fondness to seeing AFCB racing towards the North stand in the final quarter of a match knowing that they are capable of getting some last minute goals. It has almost become a staple diet of Saturday football, but I am not so sure it is really that healthy to always be in such a situation chasing a game with the clock running down.
Comeback kings.
Bournemouth have made a habit of finding themselves in such situations this season. They came from behind in such  game against Arsenal and Stoke City in recent home wins and while those games worked out it would not have been a surprise if Bournemouth had not got back into the match with Newcastle. It is almost as if the side needs to have that state of fear about almost losing a game in order to be able to perform at their best. It's madness of course. Bournemouth do need to play better earlier in games, but even the TV pundits that get to cover Bournemouth games now kind of half expect a rousing finish in AFCB games when they are at home, but can the team continue to deliver these kinds of finishes?

Well, I'd say it is all down to the home crowd. When we want things to happen and build that expectation that the team is going to score, it more than often happens because the players feed off of our excitement. The problem is that kind of energy is coming later and later in games and I don't know if it the cold weather, or just disappointment in not seeing the team playing well, but there has to be more to making a successful team than just having it play for the last 20 minutes of games.

If AFCB don't find a way to play better for longer the will lose games like the one against Newcastle. They can't keep digging themselves out of a hole. So I don't think Bournemouth have become a 20 minute team but they do have an extra gear that we can tap in to when the ground is buzzing and that is where AFCB's games need to be for 90 minutes.

It's never about one individual player, but more a general feeling that the team is now going to be in the front foot as it kicks towards the Steve Fletcher stand. Long may it continue.

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