
Thursday 15 February 2018

Ted MacDougall stand is vital for AFCB

It is surprising how quickly five years have passed by since the Temporary South stand was first seen at Dean Court. The three-sided ground was always a little nervy for players to run out in front of and although AFCB's players got used to it, the wind would rip through the ground and the atmosphere is much better these days at the ground with the South stand.
Bournemouth's Ted MacDougall (south stand).
So when the club announced yesterday that the temporary stand was coming up for renewal with Bournemouth Borough Council I am hoping that there is plenty of understanding about how important the stand is for the club and of course the supporters who sit there for games in the Premier League. As long as the renewal is just a formality I guess there is nothing to worry about, but to imagine AFCB without that stand again would be quite a shock and I can't believe the Premier League would not be too impressed.

Of course, what we all really want is news on the plans for the construction of a new AFCB stadium. While there has been an indication from Neill Blake about where it is hoped it will be in Kings Park, we have not seen anything in terms of design and I'm hoping that some input can be given by the fans and that there is a bit of time for correspondence with the club so that the best solution is chosen in the end.

It si difficult to have too many voices, but we have seen how bad things can go when fans are not consulted over matters like Leeds Utd's new crest. At least we know that the South stand is a facility that AFCB want to keep and it has served the club very well as a temporary stand. It's not perfect and it's a shame that the corners could not be filled in and the ground extended, but hopefully the new stadium will be spectacular and will come well before any new contract for the temporary stand runs out.

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