
Thursday 1 March 2018

Every point is great at the moment

Getting a point from the Newcastle match was like pulling something out of the fire. Other teams in an around the bottom will not know whether it is good that Newcastle didn't get the full three points, or if it had been better that Bournemouth had not picked up anything. The league is ridiculously tight and anything can still happen in the lower half yet. That is why AFCB should celebrate the fact that they got a point when it so easily cold have been none.
AFCB are still in need of a bigger points collection.
Newcastle might not have been so amazing that they deserved the three points but they had more than enough chances to win the game and I couldn't help coming away from Dean Court think that AFCB got away with one there. It is such games that prove the difference between falling into trouble and staying clear of the drop zone.

A point at this stage still keeps Bournemouth five points above the bottom three and the goal difference of -10 still has the Cherries more in line for a top half finish than a last day relegation scrap. The next four games should bring Bournemouth the points they need for another season at the top level and if they were to pick up with a point a game from here on in they would be in a very healthy position.

It's about not losing to those teams below them at the moment and the key games will be against WBA, Crystal Palace, Southampton, Swansea. Win any of those matches and I think Bournemouth will be safe enough. It's all hypothetical of course and points have to be won on the pitch and that is why it was good just to see another point added last Saturday when it might have none at all. UTCIAD!

ASK Fans' match preview - Leicester City v AFCB

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