
Saturday 28 April 2018

A chance to humble a few Southampton fans

I expect most have you have been asking yourself how you feel about the possibility that AFCB's next game could mean relegation is virtually assured for that team down the road. if it were to happen it kind of puts me in two minds. Yes, I want to win a game that Saints don't like to call a derby, but while it may seem fun that Southampton could by in the Championship next season, that is two games of the season gone that I have been rather find of.
The Cherries might not have a warm welcome at St Marys.
Many will say who cares if the Saints are relegated. It may make AFCB fans feel slightly superior for a while and historically it would be a bit of an anomaly. A pleasant one for AFCB fans, but I expect the followers of the Saints would dismiss it very quickly and point to their record as a Premier League club which has been impressive over the years. AFCB's years have hopefully only just begun and it is going to take a lot more work to emulate the history that Southampton have had. We can also count ourselves behind Portsmouth and maybe even Brighton in that respect, so we don't have much to brag about yet in the top flight.

Wining a domestic trophy is what would give AFCB that bit more status to start being noticed in the history books. Being in the Premier League is fabulous, but you don't get any silverware just for participating in it. The Saints of course have their FA Cup success of 1976, and it will always be there. For the moment though, AFCB have a chance of doing is just humbling a few Saints fans who don't want the Cherries to do well by taking three points off them that are absolutely precious to the Saints. Bring it on.

I have no clear idea of what the atmosphere will be like at the game, but I have a feeling that both sets of supporters will not be holding back. This will feel like a derby match. If these games didn't really matter before, they are going to take on more meaning with this match and any that may then subsequently follow in future years. Because this one matters, it really does.If AFCB ever want to build up some rivalry with Southampton, then this is the day it can really start. AFCB have to send the Saints down and retain Bournemouth's Premier League status. The south coast is ours. UTCIAD!

Southampton Home Form

AFCB Away Form
Possible AFCB line up against Southampton
Boruc (GK), B Smith (LB), Mings (CB), Gosling (CM),
 Pugh (LM), King (FW), Mousset (FW)


  1. My view is for some reason is we will be trounced...with austin reminding eddie what he missed by not signing him..l think the players think they are safe already and will lack the cutting edge

  2. That didn't go to plan and Saints deserved their victory. I wish them well and hope they stay up.

