
Wednesday 2 May 2018

Is it a risk to play Tyrone Mings?

There has been a lot of discontent with Bournemouth's back three for the way they performed in the last away match and with Tyrone Mings now back to full training it is reasonable to ponder even at this late stage of the season whether he could do any better?
Tyrone Mings is surely worth a go looking at
 the way AFCB have been defending of late.
Tyrone has been out of the game from before Christmas and he hasn't had the luxury if having any warm up games and with two matches left he probably doesn't expect to play a major part in the Cherries season. But the mistakes that are being made by the players don't do much for confidence and if Tyrone did come in to replace say Steve Cook would it have a positive or negative impact on the team?

It may be too much of a risk for Eddie to think of starting with Mings against Swansea, but if he decides on a back four, I would not mind seeing him play with Ake. Mings is a player that is not only helpful for his physical presence but he kind of commands the space around him and has that calm authority on the ball that has been missing in recent games for the Cherries.


Mings would also be desperate to play well having not played many games and it would make it clear to the players that what has happened is not good enough and no one should expect that they can just keep their place after not performing well. The away fans have seen some disappointing displays of late and the Cherries have not stemmed the goals against. What Eddie would give for just a nil-nil draw now?

It's likely that Howe will bin the back three approach after last weeks debacle, but he has a big call to make on some of the defenders. He has not favoured Brad Smith over Daniels, Adam Smith may not be able to play from the start if at all, but to put Mings in the starting line up would be a wake up call. Howe needs players that are not going to let him down in the final games and the Mings card just might be played if he can have a good week in training.

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