
Tuesday 29 May 2018

Oh, to be a fly on the wall for Arter discussions

It has been reported that Harry Arter has had his end of season talk with Eddie Howe and it must have been a nervy encounter for both parties. While Arter says he was honest about his view on the season and what he wanted in future, Eddie Howe was also very honest in where he thought Harry was at. Both seemed to come out of the meeting with the view of let's see what happens over the summer and that would indicate to me that Harry is going to be open to offers if they come in.
Harry has been linked with West Ham United.
There is no doubt in my mind that Eddie Howe would like to keep hold of his number eight, but he wouldn't stand in Harry's way if he wanted out. Eddie will already be looking to see if he can find a possible replacement in case he needs to act, and yet Arter's fitness is a question mark over any possible move. Harry only played in 13 Premier League matches last season. That is by far the smallest involvement he has with the first team in many seasons. The Achilles problem he has had for about a year now has kept coming back and causing him problems. Hopefully, it is now sorted though.

Harry's head and mood may be the main thing he needs to sort out ahead of the new season. Whether that is at AFCB or elsewhere he needs to be getting back to playing games and enjoying his football. I get the vibes that he has not really enjoyed the last season being on the periphery of things and it just may be that his time is up at AFCB now. A new challenge could be something that he fancies and I don't think any AFCB fan would begrudge him that.

While Howe has pinned his hopes on Lewis Cook becoming an even better player, he may feel that he has had the best years out of Harry Arter. Things may well be starting to change at Dean Court in terms of senior personnel, and if Harry does decide to move this summer, he might not be the only one of the players that have stuck with AFCB since league one days.

Last night Arter was part of the Republic of Ireland team to face France in an international Friendly. France won 2-0 but Arter did get on after 59 minutes when the Republic were two goals down. He also picked up a yellow card.

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