
Thursday 16 August 2018

AFCB have to watch out for West Ham interceptions

Predicting results in early season games is always tricky and it is no less easy this weekend with West Ham hosting Bournemouth after their 4-0 drubbing by Liverpool. Still we can use some of the stats from the last weekend to see where it went wrong for West Ham and perhaps get a hint of where Bournemouth might be able to profit.

West Ham were shot of possession with just 360 passes made all game, whereas Bournemouth found possession easier to find against  Cardiff with 502 passes. Bournemouth were not as accurate though as West Ham in having a 79 per cent pass success rate compared to West Ham's 83 per cent. It might surprise some that West Ham also managed one more cross with 12 compared to Bournemouth putting 11 crosses in the box in their game.

Already we can see things that Bournemouth could do better. The startling statistic for me though that Bournemouth have to watch out for is West Ham's ability to make interceptions. They managed 11 against a Liverpool side who ran them ragged for much of the game. If West Ham manage turnovers like that against Bournemouth it could be a problem. Bournemouth only managed four interceptions against Cardiff City. In tackles too, West Ham are strong with a 61 per cent success rate whereas Bournemouth were only at 45 per cent, admittedly against different opposition and a newly-promoted side.

The strength of Bournemouth's defence though should not be over looked. The Cherries made 37 clearances and 26 were headed clearances, while the team won 94 aerial battles against a Cardiff side that didn't play that much football on the ground. West Ham only made 20 clearances against Liverpool and made 10 headed clearances, with 64 aerial battles won.

Eddie Howe expects a much more possession hungry game against West Ham with shooting accuracy of course of most importance. West Ham only had five shots against Liverpool but did get two on target which is noteworthy when Bournemouth had 12 shots at the Cardiff goal but only had four on target.

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