
Tuesday 15 January 2019

Performance level improves but no points for Cherries

It was a much improved performance from AFCB at Everon even though the team did not pick up any points. Eddie Howe was content with the way that Bournemouth attacked the game in the first half. But the team did not take their chances.
The line up may have changed but picking up points is still the aim.
The plus points included the play of Nathaniel Clyne who managed to make hoax Premier League debut for Bournemouth. The defence looked a lot more in control and calm under pressure and had they held firm we might have been talking if a good was point at Everton. The confidence has been taken a hit and the decision s are not going Bournemouth’s way.

The form of David Brooks remains strong. Ryan Fraser is still creating chances and Lerma managed to get throughout the game without being booked. But the big bonus is that Adam Smith was back and he managed to play the full 90 minutes. It was a big call to put Smith in at left-back but he doesn't let anyone down and played extremely well. The team now needs to get used to this back four. Howe would do well just to concentrate on getting the defence really tight for the visit of West Ham who are in great form.
Coastal Garden Buildings

If Bournemouth can get a clean sheet then at least they will get something on the board and in this recent poor run a point is nothing to feel sorry about.

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1 comment:

  1. I always take the view that performance is actually more important than results - unless of course we get into really dire straights. We were by far the better team and Brookes was denied a cast iron penalty in the first half. So many premier league games turn on such fine margins.
    Mention should also be made of Gosling's strong performance in midfield.

