
Friday 5 April 2019

New training complex is part of AFCB's next step

Like many supporters I was glad to hear that the club had finally received permission to go ahead with the construction of its multi-million pound training complex at the former Magna Gulf club site in Canford. Now AFCB are starting to work towards having the proper infrastructure to help the team reach the next stage of their development.
The training complex upgrade should change the way AFCB operates.
Eddie Howe had mentioned in his pre-match press conference for the Leicester game that AFCB were not like other clubs in the Premier League. We are still using league One infrastructure in terms of the kind of training facilities the club has compared to the top teams in the Premier League. With no indoor training facility and only two main training pitches, the players just don't have the space or level playing field of the best teams and now that is about to change.

Of course, it is only the first stage in bringing the club up to a better standard to compete at the top level, but as Neill Blake intimated in his statement, "Now we are filling the first step of that ambition." The second step is undoubtedly the new stadium that has been postponed, but may be back on the cards when the training complex has been completed or soon after.

I am most pleased for Eddie Howe and Jason Tindall. I think they needed to hear that the club was willing to back them wit the new training ground which they have fought so hard for. Now that the club is able to deliver, I am hoping that it is a development that encourages our management duo to see the process through and build the club further.

Score prediction competition
Send in your score predictions for Bournemouth v Burnley to @CherryChimes. We will pick a winner from the correct answers to win a T-shirt. 

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