
Thursday 11 April 2019

Would you have Harry Arter back at AFCB for another season?

My sentimental answer to whether I'd have Harry Arter bak at AFCB is  – yes, in a heart beat! But you can't pick players on sentiment. He's been one of Cardiff's best players this season and still has a desire to do well. However, that doesn't really count if Eddie Howe does not think Harry is capable of displacing Jefferson Lerma or Lewis Cook from the team.
Harry will return to AFCB but will he stay?
While Bournemouth have been stretch in central midfield this year and could have done with Harry Arter on the bench, if not starting, more than a few times, it may be that Eddie Howe wants to move on and Harry could be the same. I don't think Harry's legs have gone yet and you know what you get with Arter - it's 110 per cent effort. But time moves on.

Now Howe is trying to build a younger squad with penetrative players that can get forward and score goals as well as defend with high intensity. I suspect Lewis Cook will be the favourite to play most games next season alongside Jefferson Lerma. But if Arter is released it would perhaps give Eddie a chance to bring in another young face with ambitions of taking AFCB higher up the league.


What we can see is that Andrew Surman is coming to the end of his career and may not get many opportunities to play past next season. Dan Gosling has been playing more games than perhaps he expected due to the injury to Lewis Cook, but Arter still seems surplus to requirements if he would come in as the fourth or fifth choice.

I'd rather Howe go and get a young star light like he did with David Brooks, but I don't see Brooks as a player who can do the job of covering in central midfield yet. AFCB need a dedicated central midfielder who enjoys the role and can make more of an impact than those in the current squad If AFCB can get another solid international who has more goal power in their game than the existing midfielders and who distributes the ball with purpose AFCB will be much better off on the pitch.

So, in my mind it's time to let Harry Arter go this summer, as long as Lewis Cook can come back and play as well as he did before his injury this season.

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