
Wednesday 22 May 2019

Will AFCB come calling on Leeds' midfielder?

Leeds United fans must be feeling pretty sick at the moment. They have been dumped back in the Championship for another year and now face the prospect of seeing some of their best players being picked off by the likes of AFCB, who are said to be interest in their midfielder Kalvin Phillips.
Eddie Howe may make more raids on Championship players.
Having seen Lewis Cook already leave for Bournemouth in the past, it would give the impression that Leeds have become a bit of a feeder club for teams like AFCB, who can pick off their young talent with their Premier League funds almost at will. Eddie Howe has made a success of bringing in young Championship players and making them into Premier League starters. The signings are never guaranteed to work, but Howe is set on keeping much of his team British as he starts to replace the older stock that initially got the club promoted to the Premier League.

Phillips has been a major player for Leeds in 2018/19 and is known as a robust defensive midfielder. Bournemouth perhaps need more cover in that area when the likes of Jefferson Lerma are unable to play every game of the season and another enforcer option is certainly going to make AFCB stronger in the middle of the park.


Bournemouth are scoring enough goals - the best of those outside the top six, but they are letting far too may in. It's time to stop the supply of passes to the opposition attackers. If that means signing players that are not only young but British, and are available for under £15m, compared to prices of double that on the continent, clubs like Leeds Utd have to be worried. It's not just the very top clubs that are able to strip away Championship teams' best talent, as these players desperate to play in the Premier League.

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