
Monday 24 June 2019

AFCB already looking forward to winter break

Eddie Howe has come out commenting that he will one manger who is grateful of the winter break in February. While the English Premier League will be trying this for the first time, we have yet to see what impact the break will have with some clubs not having a game on 8 February and others on 15th February. I'm all for the break but feel that two-weeks would have been more beneficial.
AFCB will have a week to recharge the batteries in February.

Of course, the problem is with a break that the longer clubs have the more likely it is that they will fly elsewhere and get in extra games in money-spinning friendlies. By only missing one week the clubs can't easily do anything but provide light training for their players. But it could be very important how clubs use the break and who uses it the best to help their players. With everything so well detailed to the smallest degree in football clubs, the winter break is something new and we don't know who the break will benefit most.

Eddie Howe will take his team to Sheffield United on one of the weekends in February on either side of the break and it will be a key game you'd expect in trying to ensure AFCB are not engaged in a relegation battle. The game will be a tough one I'm sure and so the break would be a big help at that time if the game comes on 15th February.

AFCB suffered more than their fair share of injuries last season. Anything to help reduce players missing games must be applauded. But with just a week to relax and keep fit rather than play games, will it have the big impact the league and the managers hope for recharging their players' batteries? Or will it have little impact?

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