
Saturday 8 June 2019

Daniels is still AFCB's best left-back

I know that Adam Smith had some strong games for AFCB last season at left-back but a fit and on form Charlie Daniels is the man that AFCB need come the start of next season. While Charlie had an injury hit last few months of the season, he is looking like a man on a mission in trying to get ready for pre-season.

There isn't another position where Eddie Howe has tried so hard to find a replacement than the left-back spot. None of the players brought in have ever managed to shift Charlie Daniels for very long, and even with Adam Smith deputising and the prospect of Lloyd Kelly now breathing down his neck, I still expect Charlie Daniels to be gunning for the starting place come next August when AFCB kick-off their new campaign.
Daniels is still going to be a strong contender to keep hold of his left-back place next season.
A lot has been said about how AFCB dipped in their performances in the second half of the season, and the loss of players like Charlie Daniels probably had a bigger impact than e thought at the time. AFCB have players that have been core personalities in the club's rise and they are the rocks that Eddie Howe can rely on, but when they are injured the team does struggle to find its identity, and AFCB need the likes of Daniels and Francis to stick around as long as they can to help forge the new players coming through.

Daniels had a challenging last few month with his injury and losing his father, but I expect him to have even more determination to want to do well next season. He is a winner and AFCB need winners in their team. Everything about Daniels' rehab is geared to making him stronger and we may even see a new improved Charlie Daniels come next season. 


  1. I normally enjoy your takes, but have to disagree with this one. In the last 3 years the Cherries have given up 67, 61, and 70 goals respectively. With increasingly difficult mid-table competition, they need to do much better than that.

    Simon Francis is 34 years old and is increasingly looking less capable of keeping up with flwet footed forwards and wingers. To often he was burned by the competition last year, and left lagging behind the play. Adam Smith's is 32 years old. While a solid player for the most part, age is catching up as well. it's questionable whether he can keep up this level of form very much longer.

    While we as fans appreciate what these two players have meant to the club's rise, the future belongs to het youth. Eddie has the obligation to do whatever necessary to assure our future in the PL.

  2. Charlie Daniels has always been a desperately under-rated player, and could easily have played for England. I think there is a constant prejudice against players who have worked their way up from the lower leagues (although he started at spurs).
    You cannot blame your full backs/wing backs for the team's defensive errors.

  3. Ive always rated Charlie D but im afraid to say he is a spent force. First noticed it against Arsenal the season before last. Struggling to keep up with the pace. Got to look to the youngsters now. Same goes for Francis. Smithy has still got it in spades. We missed him last season

