
Tuesday 18 June 2019

Fraser saga just won't go away

AFCB have made it very clear that they have no desire to sell Ryan Fraser. While the club has a year on his contract left, they are standing by that and are well aware that clubs like Arsenal may be interested in the winger who had a great season in 2018-19. Ryan has been talking perhaps more than the club might like in the press, but he has made his position well-known and clubs may take his comments as an invitation to come in for him this summer.
Is the situation with Fraser becoming a war of words?

The club took the unprecedented step of releasing a statement from Neill Blake over the weekend just to take some pressure out of the situation and to refute any idea that they have not tried to hold talks with Fraser on a new contract. Still what is clear is that the ongoing rumours in the national and local press will do nothing to help the player settle into a restful summer and prepare for  what could be his final season with AFCB. If relations do break down between the player and the club then it will be a very difficult season for Fraser coming up, if he has not left the club, which would be a big pity considering what he has done for AFCB, and the history AFCB and Fraser have. 

All we can hope is that Ryan is more interested in playing football and making himself better as a football player, rather than get into too much of a battle over where his future will be. Concentrating on the football is not going to be easy with all this going on and it is quite surprising that Fraser had the season he did, while we know there must have been a lot of uncertainty for him since last September when talks were ongoing on his future with AFCB.
The situation now though looks unhealthy. AFCB are finding that the whole summer is being dominated by talk about Ryan Fraser and where he could be playing come August when that is the last thing that they want AFCB in the papers for, if they are trying to get him to consider a new contract. Eddie Howe will want a dressing room that is united, but they won't want distractions like this. Despite Fraser having made a record number of 13 assists and seven goals last season, it may be that AFCB decide for the good of the team it is time to part ways with Fraser rather than make him play out his final year. If Fraser really doesn't feel that his future is with AFCB, then it is surely best to get what the club can for him.

In other news, Tommy Elphick has joined Huddersfield Town after a successful spell at Aston Villa.

1 comment:

  1. I'm Ryan Frasers biggest fan. Disapointed with the behaviours frankly. But if he wants to go I say let him go. Hate to say it but if his eye is elsewhere we need to get the money now or next season could be average with him and we get nothing. He should stay with us.

